Custom Sound for the WDR's spoken word program - Info, Culture & Science

The sophisticated sound platform

WDR 5 is the word program for sophisticated content - well-founded, diverse and inspiring. The new jingle package from jamXmusic underlines this claim with a clear, modern sound: intelligent compositions, subtle dynamics and distinctive timbres create an acoustic identity that fits perfectly with WDR 5.

The business magazine
Echo des Tages
The European Magazine
Curiosity is enough
daily talk
political issue
Books – The Magazine
speaking time
press club
The Philosophical Radio

"We want to express the core brand values of WDR 5 as a sophisticated spoken word program that provides high-quality information but can also be sharp and polarizing at times, also in the sound design. We are therefore very happy to have a professional partner at our side in the form of the Hamburg audio specialist Dirk Reichardt, who can precisely and sensitively balance the new program layout between sound independence on the one hand and recognizable brand branding on the other."

Tobias Habig, WDR 5 brand manager


Let's talk about your sound

Are you interested in jingle production and would like to find out more about our services? Write us a short message and our producers will contact you as soon as possible.